Top Recommended Health Supplements

I think we can all agree that proper nutrition, exercise, and recovery are the most important steps to achieving good health.  However, there are many supplements that have become essential in today’s society because we are severely lacking in important nutrients.  Food processing, early harvesting, preservation, environmental toxins, and more all contribute to lower food quality and create deficiencies. I’ve put together a list of my top recommended health supplements, which just about everyone can benefit from.


Multivitamins are a basic life insurance policy. Studies suggest that as many as 90% of Americans are nutrient deficient, most commonly including vitamin D-3, vitamin K-2, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, vitamin B-12, and folate (Vitamin B-9).  There are many reasons why Americans do not get enough nutrients.  Food processing and refining for starters, genetic modification, preservatives, and toxins all add to the need for supplementation.  Studies show that taking vitamins can significantly reduce your risk for developing many degenerative diseases, and could save the US more than $11 BILLION in healthcare costs each year.  It is best to look for multivitamins that have a well dosed B-complex, such as 5mg-50mg of each, and have a time-release factor as well since B-vitamins don’t have a very long half-life in the body.  This will usually be more than one pill so beware of “one daily’s” because they don’t usually give optimal amounts of nutrients.  It is also very important for women who are still regular to supplement with Iron to prevent anemia.  Most Women’s multivitamin formulas will include around 18mg of Iron.

Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids are vital to our health and survival.  Dozens of studies performed over decades have indicated that supplementation can reduce disease risks significantly.   However, the lack of consumption of fatty wild-caught fish in our diets has lead to an estimated 75% of Americans that are deficient in these Omega-3 fatty acids. The balance between Omega 6 and 3 is skewed too much in favor of Omega-6’s, causing a huge increase in inflammation and disease development such as  heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and more.  Supplementation is recommended, but it is very important to buy a purified and tested brand. You may also want to check out the additional benefits of Krill Oil for joint, cholesterol, and brain support. The best option would be a combination of the two, but they are a bit more expensive.


Probiotics regulate 70% of our immune system.  We have trillions of micro-flora that aid in functions like immune support, digestion, mood support, blood sugar control, blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid function, and type 1 and 2 diabetes.  The most common strains are of the Lactobacillus family, but there are many.   Due to environmental and medical antibiotics we are killing these important bacterias.  If you supplement make sure the CFU (colony forming units) potency is high enough.   Don’t be fooled by low quality or low dosed probiotics.  Make sure they are potency guaranteed, and refrigerate for preservation if specified on the bottle.  25 Billion CFU is a good starting point for most, unless you have digestive issues, then you may need more.

Vitamin D-3

Vitamin D-3 is used in functions such as bone building, immune support, mood support, and has even been shown to help with some cancers.  Supplementation has become recognized in the recent years, especially for those who don’t spend much time outside.  Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, weather doesn’t permit the production of D-3 for good portions of the year.  Also, it is important to supplement and balance dosages with vitamin K-2, as well as Magnesium for proper calcium regulation.  You don’t want calcium deposits.  You should be getting 100 micro grams of Vitamin K-2 for every 1000 IU’s of vitamin D-3  supplemented.  Watch this interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue, “What You Need to Know About Vitamin K2, D and Calcium” and read the article describing D-3 needs. You can also check out this great information here from Harvard University.

Vitamin K-2

Vitamin K-2 is necessary for bone and joint building and seemingly the missing link in calcium regulation. It has been known to help and prevent osteopenia/osteoporosis, and could even reduce your risk for prostate cancer, and heart disease as well.  Again sadly, 85% of Americans are deficient.  If you have already watched the video with Kate Rheaume-Bleue you will find some  of the following articles’ overlap a little redundant, otherwise, read “Vitamin K: The Missing Nutrient to Blame for Heart Attacks and Osteoporosis“, written by Dr. Joseph Mercola.


Magnesium is responsible for over 300 chemical reactions in the body.  It is an electrolyte and plays a key role in muscle contraction and relaxation, nerve function, energy production, metabolism function, heart health and even cancer prevention.  It is estimated 80% of Americans are deficient in Magnesium as well.  This fantastic article that talks about the right ratio balance of Calcium, Magnesium, D-3, and K-2 and this extremely informative video about “Magnesium—The Missing Link to Better Health“, by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of “The Magnesium Miracle”.


CoQ-10/Ubiquinol can reduce the risk of congestive heart failure by up to 50%.  It is essential in energy production, cell function,  as well as circulation. This one would be much higher on the list if you are taking a statin medication for cholesterol.  It is best to take at night with dinner.  I tend to recommend 100mg-200mg if you are 25-40 years old, and Ubiquinol at 100-200mg or CoQ-10 at 200mg-400mg for 40 plus.  If you are taking a statin you really should be taking the pre-activated form, Ubiquinol, since statins deplete the body of CoQ-10 and prevent natural absorption from food.


Astaxanthin is a natural antioxidant that is 6000 times more powerful than vitamin C, 880 times that of CoQ-10, 500 times Resveratrol, and 10 times that of beta-carotene.   It comes from algae in the sea and is what gives salmon, lobster, and other Crustaceans and sea life their red color.  It’s a great anti-aging and longevity supplement, since it targets inflammation on a root level.  It has a wide range of benefits, but is well known for it’s anti-inflammatory power and joint benefits, as well as liver, cardiovascular, and metabolic health benefits.   It is also being studied for its’ effects of apoptosis (the instruction for cancer cells to self-destruct).  Zanthosyn has made astounding breakthroughs with extraction methods to allow for 3 times greater absorb-ability.  It’s one of my favorites because it provides outstanding health benefits, it’s safe, and is excellent for reducing inflammation and pain.  Check out this Physician’s scientific reference for lots of great information on their product!

Adaptogenic Mushrooms

Adaptogenic Mushrooms are a class of mushrooms that have adaptable benefits within the body.  The spores from these mushrooms have shown great promise for cancer prevention and treatment, such as Turkey tail targeting up to stage III breast cancer, Chaga targeting liver, lung, and brain cancers, and Royal Sun Agaricus (Himematsutake) targeting lung and stomach cancers in as soon as two and three days.  Supplementing with these is great for the immune system and can provide the body with refreshing natural energy and improvements in cognitive function, and more. Due to the recent popularity of them, there are many good choices on the market for supplementation.


Potassium is also common on the list of nutrient deficiencies (80-90%).  Its one of the most important electrolytes for the function of our brain and body and needs to be in proper balance with Sodium.  It is used for hundreds of functions in the body including neuron activity, muscle contraction/relaxation, energy production, metabolism, mood, and much more.  Eat plenty of vegetables, especially dark green ones, and avocados, which typically contain twice the potassium of a banana.  I usually avoid bananas because they are high glycemic and tend to spike blood sugar levels.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a well known powerful antioxidant and protector against free radicals. It works with collagen and other building blocks to help make and repair skin, joints, blood vessels, and bones, boosts the immune system, treats various diseases and reduces the risk for stroke.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another well known and powerful antioxidant. It is necessary in red blood cell formation, supports immune function and acts as a cell messenger.  Due to some debate, it is best to avoid synthetic versions (dl-alpha-tocopheral) and to not overdo this one with high dosages above 400-1000 IU’s.  An isomer formula is best since it balances of the 4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols that makeup vitamin E.  Dr. Mercola re-enforces that information with his article about proper Isomer balance.


Biotin is essential for protein and fatty-acid synthesis. It is a precursor for Keratin and good for the hair, skin, and nails.  This is one of my personal favorites and secrets to looking young. 3000-5000 mirco grams supplemented in the evening.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a very powerful antioxidant and recycles Vitamin C and E, and is great for brain health and diabetics.